Kadayif Custard

Kadayif Custard

  • Makes8 servings
  • Prep Time25 min
  • Resting Time2 hr
  • Total Time2 hr 25 min
  • Calories490
  • Made withSplenda Granulated


    For the Kadayif

    • 3 cups of roasted, shredded kadayif (150 g)
    • 3 tbsp butter (45 g)
    • 5 full tsp Splenda Granulated (10 g)

    For the custard

    • 1 L light milk
    • 1.5 cups flour (200 g)
    • 150 g unsalted butter
    • 1 tsp vanillin
    • 20 full tsp Splenda Granulated (36 g)

    For the topping

    • 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts (100 g)

    • Nutrition Info Per Serving

    • % Daily Value*
    • Energy490 kcal628.21%
    • Total Fat28.47 g36.5%
    • Total Carbohydrate42.36 g15.4%
    • Fibre1.20 g4.29%
    • Protein11.02 g22.04%


    For the custard


    Place the light milk, Splenda Granulated and flour in a deep saucepan. Whisk continuously until cooked. When cooked, remove from the heat, add the butter and vanillin and mix.

    For the shredded kadayif


    If you are not going to roast it, first toast it in a frying pan until it is lightly coloured and set aside. Melt the butter in a separate pan. Add the Splenda Granulated to it and when it is well integrated with the butter, add the kadayifs to it and mix the kadayifs well with the butter. Remove from the heat.


    Place half of the kadayif mixture in the bottom of single serving bowls or a heatproof glass baking tray. Pour the custard on top. Place the other half of the kadayif mixture on top. Scatter the walnut pieces on top.

    Your Kadayif Custard with Splenda is ready, enjoy!

    * If sugar was used instead of Splenda, 1 serving would have 690 calories!

    Made with

    Splenda Granulated Sweetener

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