Oat Bowl

Oat Bowl

  • Makes1 serving
  • Total Time15 min
  • Calories387
  • Made withSplenda Granulated


    • ½ cup oatmeal (60 g)
    • ½ apple (60 g)
    • ½ cup light milk (125 ml)
    • ½ cup water (125 ml)
    • 1 full tsp Splenda Granulated (1 g)

    For the topping

    • Apple cubes (20 g)
    • 1 tbsp chopped walnuts or slivered almonds (10 g)

    • Nutrition Info Per Serving

    • % Daily Value*
    • Energy387 kcal496.15%
    • Total Fat10.99 g14.09%
    • Total Carbohydrate58.31 g21.2%
    • Fibre8.95 g31.96%
    • Protein16.11 g32.22%



    Combine the oats, milk, water, apple cubes and Splenda Granulated in a saucepan. Cook the oatmeal until it absorbs the water and milk and has the consistency of a custard.


    Pour the oatmeal into a serving bowl and garnish with the apple cubes and walnut pieces.

    Your oatmeal bowl with Splenda is ready, enjoy!

    * If sugar was used instead of Splenda, 1 portion would have 402 calories!

    Made with

    Splenda Granulated Sweetener

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